The law in this case seems to be moving toward forced treatment

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Canada Goose Online This version of our conversation has been edited for length and clarity.Did you expect the court to side with the doctors on requiring treatment?I was surprised by the Connecticut Supreme Court’s decision. The black letter of the law may indicate that 18 is a bright line, hard cutoff, but I think there’s a pretty clear consensus that with most upper teenagers, if you’re able to make decisions they should be respected.The law in this case seems to be moving toward forced treatment, and I think the ethics of modern American life suggest that if people have the capacity to make a decision, they should canada goose outlets uk be free to refuse treatment.We clearly allow adults to make their own decisions, even with tragic consequences.How do you know if someone is capable of making that kind of life or death decision?I think it’s really important to explore canada goose shop vancouver the reasons why she’s making these decisions; a formal capacity evaluation is super important. It’s not clear to me that the court had a formal capacity evaluation, or even an ethics consult Canada Goose Online.

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